A photo of photographer and designer Max Benedict.



Born and raised in Seattle, WA, Max grew up drawing in class at an alternative school run by aging hippies and skiing with his Dad on the weekends, drifting in and out of sleep in the back seat while listening to old Jimi Hendrix and Tower of Power CDs on the long drives. He began taking pictures while taking a film photography class in high school and hasn't stopped since.

Specializing in portrait, product, music, and lifestyle photography, Max captures the interaction of his subjects and their surroundings with clarity, compassion, and honesty. Drawing inspiration from fine art, dance music, fashion, and the natural world, he instills a sense of motion in his work, aspiring to share his unique perspective in creating images with a candid intentionality.

A multifaceted creative professional with a wide variety of interests, Max's skillset extends beyond the realms of photography, into visual, interactive, web, and UX design. Max prioritizes working with brands and individuals dedicated to building a cohesive visual identity, taking pride in his versatility when designing beautiful, content-driven experiences across web, social, and print media channels.

Visual Design
User Experience



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